Monday, May 2, 2011

Holiday in Spain, part Dos: Barcelona

Barcelona. Doesn't that just sound gorgeous?

Casey, Doug and I touch down in Barcelona in 19 short days.  This will be our first of two days spent in this beautiful coastal city.  The first and last days of our trip will be spent there, and they will both be quite different.

During our first day in Barcelona, we'll be on a mission to see the sites. Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish architect from Barcelona, and his personal touch has been placed on so many elements of the city. Here are a few:

Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia is a basilica that has been under continued construction since 1882. That's right, this bad boy is not finished. 128 years later! That's incredible to me! It's being built with private donations, so the process has been slow-going. Also, the basilica is just halfway done. It passed that mark in 2010. It looks like that, and it's only halfway done?? Scheduled to be complete in 2026. I can't wait to feast my eyes on this bad boy!

La Pedrera

Gaudi completed this amazing piece of architecture in 1912.  The history of this building is pretty interesting.  It was built for a married couple, Pere Milà and Rosario Segimon, the wealthy widow of José Guardiola. Pere is rumored to have only married Rosario for her inherited money. Gaudi was contracted to build it and wanted to go all out with some devout Catholic things (big Virgin Mary statue) but the city cited a ton of violations, so a lot of things were cut out of the end product.

Parque Guell
The Parque Guell was completed by Gaudi in 1914. It was originally slated to be a housing development but has since been turned into a municipal garden.

There are other non-Gaudi things I'm hoping we get to see.

Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Monjuic Magic Fountain

Alright kids, that's all for now. Tomorrow, I'll talk all things Seville.

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