Friday, January 21, 2011

My crocheting has made it big!

What the what??

My boyfriend's brother's girlfriend (shayla) is super fantastic. She took this incredible photo, 'cause that's what she does, of the fingerless gloves I gave her for Christmas. Added bonus, this is now her Facebook profile picture. And she has 961 friends. Big things are gonna happen, I can feel it ;)

How cute is she? So cute, in fact, that I think her blog is the greatest thing since sliced bread (and who doesn't love sliced bread?). So go check her out.

1 comment:

♡Shayla♡ said...

you are hilarious. 961 friends.
that's what happens when you live in multiple countries.

once you compile a good collection of crafts you've been making, I'm going to make a blog post about YOU.. then all of my 111 blog followers (who are nearly all inactive members by now) will see your work. ;)